Quiz for FCI, SSC, Civil Exams : Geography

1). Which of the following is a Horticulture Crop ?
A) Paddy
B) Wheat
C) Banana
D) Pea

2. Which of the following nation is considered as the originator of the concept of Micro Finance ?
A) Bangladesh
B) India
C) China
D) Nepal

3). Which of the following is a hot current of the Pacific Ocean ?
A) Labrador Current
B) Benguela Current
C) Flakland Current
D) Alaska Current

4). The oldest mountain range in India is __
A) Aravalli
B) Himalaya
C) Nilgiri
D) Satpura

5). Sun rays are vertical on the equator on __
A) 21 June & 15 March
B) 21 March & 23 September
C) 15 May & 17 July
D) 20 March & 30 January

6). Atmospheric Pressure depends on __
A) Altitude
B) Tempreature
C) Rotation of the Earth
D) Altitude, Tempreature, Rotation of the Earth

7).The longest river of peninsular India is __
A) Narmada
B) Godavari
C) Kaveri
D) Mahanadi

8). What is the International Date Line ?
A) It is the Equator
B) It is the Degree Longitute
C) Commonly Known as Greenwhich Meridian
D) It is 180 degree longitude

9). Which one of the following is a Great Circle ?
A) Equator
B) Tropic of Cancer
C) North Pole
D) South Pole

10). In which country the grass land of Pampass are found ?
A) Russia
B) Australia
D) Argentina